Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Feminism Rant

I've been noticing a lot of articles online that report sightings of women who claim to be "anti-feminists"; even some celebrities have come out of the "anti-femism" closet, the latest being Shailine Wooley. These articles are bashing on these women who have proclaimed "anti-femism" saying that if they truly understood what feminism was, they would be jumping on the ever posh feminism band wagon. 

I do agree that the majority of people misunderstand feminism. As I understand it, feminism is the promotion of social and economic equality of all sexes. Feminists do not think that men should have less power, they just believe that women should have equal amount of power as men. 

In my opinion, the reason that people misunderstand feminism because the "bra-burning" and "man-hating" women who call themselves feminists are the most radical and the loudest. The same thing goes with religion, people hate religion because radical religious people are overzealous and loud. The public does not respond well to radical behavior, especially when they are not familiar with the subject. 

And another thing, so what if people don't want to be feminists? Big deal. I don't understand why people can't just respect different opinions. Like, just because they don't agree with you, they're wrong? No! That is not logical. Sometimes the idea of right and wrong just don't exist. 

I think feminism is a good thing, I'm not trying to say that it's not. I'm saying that it's misunderstood. Bra-burning was popular in the seventies because women weren't being heard, so they had to become extreme in order to be heard and it made sense at the time. Women are being heard today just fine, I think. But I think feminists today feel like they have to come out guns a blazin' because that's how they think they will be heard. 

I'm not writing the rules on how people should act and think and how they shouldn't, I'm just trying to voice an opinion on a very hot topic right now. Which brings me to another point; our generation has an adorable tendency to fight for things, we try to become as passionate as we can about as many political and social problems that we can. Maybe it's just my age. But feminism has become popular for that reason; and I think that's the wrong reason. Gay marriage shouldn't be supported because it's "in" right now, and you shouldn't be a feminist because its a hip thing to talk about at coffee shops. I don't think that's right. Why would you support something that you don't understand? That means nothing. 

"Life appears to me too short to be spent in nursing animosity or registering wrongs." Jane Eyre


photo cred 1 2

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Obsessions: Currently

It's pretty hot here in Moscow, Idaho. We have been feeling the heat as it has been about 100 degrees every day this week. There are a lot of things I have been doing to beat the heat, mostly because there is no other option. I think this probably has a lot to do with my obsessions for the week.

Watching: The Office. It was hard to find a replacement for Bob's Burgers, I have never really been in to the office. I have always loved the theme song, I am REALLY into it now. It's so cute! and just weird and funny. Just like me.

okay so watching gets continued because i'm basically obsessed with beauty bloggers right now. I have scoured the web and I have two favorites

1. Ingrid Nilsen AKA Miss Glamourazzi
She is super cute, I'm in love with her apartment, style, how she dresses and obviously her beauty tips. I like how her make up is really natural looking with like one pop of something a little less natural like purple eye liner or bright pink lipstick. She's great, and seems pretty normal in a "I'm kinda weird but I like to post vlogs" kinda way. 
Check out (and probably subscribe to) her channel here.

1. Zoella. She has a real name I'm sure but I don't know what it is. This girl vlogs A LOT. She has two channels, one for her beauty tips, and one that is a sort of vlog diary of her life. I really like them both, but I'm a weirdo. I'm really suggesting her beauty tips. 
She is British, so I could listen to her talk all day regardless of what she is saying. But she also has really natural make up, and I always find myself online shopping for whatever she is wearing in her videos. 
Check out her channel here.

She also has a really cool blog that you can check out here.

Both of these Vloggers are really positive, like they don't just want to show you how to be beautiful. Ingrid posted a video of her without make up or her hair done to show that we really don't need to wear make up. Zoella speaks out about her anxiety and panic attacks, and really spreads awareness and provides hope for people in similar situations. 

There is a lot more going on here then just beauty tips, and I think that is why they hold my interest. 

Nails: My girlfriend Ellie, got me a bit hooked on Jamberry Nails. They are like these vinyl nail sticker things. They are supposed to last like two weeks but I just put them on for the first time on Saturday. One fell off immediately the other seem to be staying on pretty well, and they aren't chipping or anything like normal nail polish. Which I think says a lot because I was really excited and put them on really fast so there are a ton of bubbles and folds. We will see how I do next time. 

Wanting: I have an online shopping problem. being an administrative assistant is NOT providing my brain with enough interest, I make files and copies and answer the phone. But I also plan out my whole life and future wardrobe, budget, and .... blog now apparently.... why haven't I thought of this before?

SO I have been wanting to add about 5 items to my wardrobe. BUTTT I think i'm only going to talk about two of them here. (i'm also obsessed with the store ASOS right now, my good friend Zoella got me into it. hahah)

I want a kimono, that sounds weirder than it is. BUT more specifically I want this one:

which you can buy from ASOS here.
(DYLAN, hint hint)
I think it would look so cute with shorts, or skinny jeans or a dress, AHH its simply to die. 

The second thing I have been wanting is Scalloped shorts. 
And they are on sale right now for 20$$ OMG why haven't I bought them yet? 
You can also buy these from ASOS here.  

Eating: Fat Burning Frappe, Its coffee and breakfast mixed together. It's in the THM (trim healthy mama) book. I would give you the recipe, but I didn't invent it. So look into it. Abbie and I are doing it together and we are pretty pleased with the results. I know how to be healthy now.

Reading: Enders Game. I know that I'm adult and that the book is for children, but so far its really good and I just wish I could read it all the time instead of sitting at this desk!!! 

Listening to: Lindsey Stirling. I'm literally listening to her right now. She is the perfect mix of violin and dupstep. LOVE

WOW! So I have written a lot. I'm loving beauty and fashion a lot lately. I'm not sure why.

Also i'm thinking about getting this dress for a wedding I am going to early August.

That's all for now! Have a lovely day!!

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Habits of Stressed Out People

read this
I found this article from Business insider, about the habits of really stressed out people.

I don't like to think of myself as a stressed out person. Although I probably am.
There have been all these lists going around lately and this one is of things that you should NOT do.

Something that I thought was interesting was that there was nothing to be said about preparedness.

I always find myself thinking that "if I just get up earlier..." so that I can plan, prepare, make sure that I have everything before I go. But it turns out that being prepared doesn't keep you from being stressed at all. In fact, trying to be prepared for everything that life could possibly throw at you.... sounds stressful. I think probably the best way to be prepared is to be able to roll with the punches.

So its not about having a spotless house, or being able to fit into your skinny jeans, or even having enough money. It's more about attitude. Put your health first guys! Sleeping is better for you than trying to be prepared for anything.

Stress can be really bad for your body. But, It also means that your body is just working correctly. We all have stressful events in our lives.... but they don't all have to be negative.

A while ago I watched this ted talk about stress:

Eye Opening! Aren't ted talks great??

Have a good one, guys. I have to get to work (not as much fun)

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Weekly Update 6/5

This is kind of a "beta test" of a type of blog post that I have been wanting to do for a while.
Basically, I read/watch the news and put some simple headlines or stories here of what happened during the week.

Then I leave links if you want to READ ON.

I came up with this idea because during school I never have time to know what is going on in the world, and people will ask me "Meghan, what do you think about what is going on in the Ukraine right now?" and I'm like.....uhhh..... And  that is terrible. I'm an educated, passionate human being. I already live in Moscow, Idaho. I don't want to stay in this little architectural bubble! I want to know things! and be able to discuss things.

So... I'm bringing it to you! Well.... I'm attempting to. This is my attempt at bringing "generation X" out of their bubbles! haha just kidding, I love my generation and I just know that we will do amazing things.

Anyway, Here goes.

1. SO apparently Russia is really up to something. They "intercepted" a US plane. I'm not sure how you can just take a plane but... you can.

2. Obama and the leaders of the G7 industrial nations have urged Russia to end the crisis in Eastern Ukraine.

I already want to do a lot more research about this. I want to figure out all about the G7 industrial nations and what that all means. But for now I will just leave you with some links! READ ON!! 

That link also has some pretty cool videos too.

Summary of the G7 industrial leaders

Basically its the 7 countries with the most advanced economies, and these countries get together to discuss economic issues. These 7 countries are:
Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, United Kingdom, and finally the United States.

Wow, there is so much more I would like to research about that. but alas, there is more to go through!!

3. SGT. Bergdahl was freed after 5 years in captivity, in exchange for 5 taliban prisoners from Guantanamo bay. Some news sources called this deal "risky" Obama said "I make absolutely no apologies for making sure we get back a young man to his parents."
Get this SGT. Bergdahl is from Hailey, Idaho. A teeny town of 8,000 people. Someone told me he was from Coeur d Alene, this is why you need to check your facts. But still the man has been missing since June 2009, thats when I graduated high school. While he has been captured I have gotten a degree in architecture and halfway completed my masters degree. No matter if you are republican or democrat, we need to thank this guy.

Side note: In case you haven't noticed BBC is my favorite news source. Download that app people.

4. Japan launches 'Emotional Robot'
First of all. WHAT! Why do we need robots to be emotional? I think humans have enough emotions of their own! Second of all the robot is named Pepper! (Ironman anyone? ) Pepper uses an "Emotional Engine" to analyze gestures, expressions, and voice tones. Robots are top sellers in Japan, and with the aging populations of well, basically the entire G7 group they think robots will really help the elderly by performing tasks.... and being able to communicate with them on an emotional level. Pepper is supposed to go to sale for the public next year for a little less than 2,000$.

5. I thought I would leave things on a positive note! Today marks the 70th anniversary of D-Day. Go talk to some people older than 70 to read on.

Well there you have it! that was my first weekly update for you! I know many other blogs do stuff like this but with fun things from  the internet. This is a bit more educational than fun probably. but maybe I can mix it up in the future?

speaking of cool things on the web.... I don't really care what you are doing right now... it's not as important as watching this video is.

Have a great educated day!

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Why I love gardening+some tips

Good Morning Sagely readers!
I have some pretty exciting news for you all today! My first strawberry is almost ripe and ready to eat.

I should probably back up and explain one of my favorite hobbies. I'm the type of person that has a ton of hobbies, I just like to learn how to do things! I knit, crochet (kinda) I make friendship bracelets, bake, I do yoga and origami. Okay so I don't really do any of these things well, but I think you get the picture.

In January Dylan (my husband) and I moved to this really awesome apartment. When we moved everything was covered in snow. But when the snow melted I realized that I had a dirt patch! Yes finally! My own dirt patch! I could have my own garden!!!!

I had wanted my own garden for a really long time. When I was in middle school my parents ordered a ton of seeds and plant starts from a catalogue and I helped them plant the seeds. Well we didn't find out for a few months but one of the "flowers" ended up being a tomato plant. Well actually there ended up being 4 tomato plants! My parents were really mad, but they told me I could take care of it! So the sprinklers watered it, and the plants got put in a really teeny bed in the front yard so they took over the whole thing and almost got as big as our crabapple tree! So I didn't really have to weed anything! and we had tomatoes for ....days. So many tomatoes. I would harvest probably 10 tomatoes a day. Some were cherry tomatoes, some were regular tomatoes... in summary there were just a TON of tomatoes.

Eventually the plants got wayyy too big for the flower bed and started getting on the lawn. My dad loves to mow the lawn (we did live in suburbia... there isn't too much else to do than mow your lawn.*) Well the tomatoes were really cramping up his style, they were messing with our "curb appeal" or something. (urban gardening wasn't as "in" 10 years ago.) Oh gosh, as I write this... some of my teenage angst is coming back. My dad. Took his weedwhacker. And cut. My tomatoes. To the ground.

Yes, I was really mad (I may or may not have cried...okay I cried) and yes I did yell at my dad and said "But daddy I love them!" We had a long road before I got out of my teenage years. My dad is a really cool person, normally he totally respects my weird need to protect growing things. Like one time we were digging daffodil bulbs out of the garden (that curb appeal...) and he let me save one of the bulbs in a mason jar to see if it would bloom next year. It didn't. But that was still really cool of him. Anyway, that fateful day I hoped to have my own dirt patch so that I could have a garden of my own. That day is finally here.

In my garden I have 4 tomatoes, two zucchinis, one pepper, 3 strawberries, one cucumber, 4 garlics, oregano, mint, chives, and basil.

And today I found that one of my strawberry plants is almost ready to be picked!!

I have a few tips for future gardeners

1. Do research (I used pinterest)
2. Know your soil and climate I wanted to plant a lemon tree but Moscow, Idaho is just not conducive for the type of plant
3. Starting from seeds is cheaper but starting from plant starts is easier
4.  Water every day, usually in the morning before the sun hits the leaves
(the water magnifies the sun and could burn the leaves.... I learned this the hard way)
and number 1 is sooo important!

Plan out your garden based on what needs shade and what needs sun, and what needs part shade and all that. I made a "garden plan" type thing. Because I love drafting.

*excuse my architecture rant, I just get so passionate sometimes.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Inspiration: Maya Angelou

In my 10th grade English class I read I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings. It wasn't the first time that I read the poem, but it was the first time that it really moved me. There was something in my 16 year old psyche that really resonated in that poem. Maybe it was teenage angst, maybe it was being old enough and educated enough to understand the context in which the poem was written; either way it moved me.

Maya Angelou has influenced me in many ways. Since her recent death I took the liberty of learning about the amazing woman who could move an entire generation of people.

Maya is a very strong woman who lived in a time outside of todays context. She survived and thrived although going through many traumatic experiences at such a young age. I have a lot of respect for people who can live through such hardships and instead of tucking them under the rug so to speak, she uses her story and her experiences to strengthen the people around her. She is known for many quotes, one of my favorite is "be the rainbow in someone else's cloud." Even though she had a difficult childhood she cared about other people and stood for human rights and really, made the world a better place.

When I was 16 I may not have been the most mature person in the world, but that poem meant something to me. There was a reason it was part of my 10th grade English curriculum, it is important. The writings of Maya Angelou will be as relevant tomorrow as they were when they were written. Her writings are part of the history of the United States. The poems bind together what makes everyone human regardless of race, gender, ethnicity or class. Not every writer gets that, not every person can understand what makes the human race so great.



-Image made by Meghan Teichmann for Sagely 

Monday, June 2, 2014

Sweet and Salty Salad

Ingredients that we used: 

-Red peppers
-Mozzarella cheese
-Feta cheese 
-Balsamic vinaigrette  

Ingredients that we would have used if we had them in our fridge:


This salad was surprisingly easy to make and very filling! Healthy and guilt free! The lettuce and spinach were farmer's market purchases, the rest of the ingredients were laying around in the fridge, very low key and simple. 


p.s. that salsa jar is what we use to make salad dressing in! we aren't weirdos

Friday, May 30, 2014


So it's 2014, but I have recently come across this artist that was hot in 2010 that I have never heard of before, (thanks One Tree Hill). 

Wakey!Wakey! consists of Michael Grubbs accompanied by a band. If you have not heard of this band and are craving some new music, hit him up. Wakey!Wakey! produces the kind of music that makes you want to go on a long, uninterrupted drive with no destination. You can just sit and listen to Wakey!Wakey! all day, that's what I have been doing. 

to learn more go to -Abbie

Thursday, May 29, 2014

About Sagely

Hello, it's nice to finally meet you.

We're sisters Meghan Teichmann and Abbie Wigton. We wanted to start a blog, so we did. 

Sagely is about you. It offers words of encouragement and advice, healthy recipes, products, art and over all happiness. Sagely welcomes all readers and consumers and wants everyone to feel welcome. 

My sister and I in no way think that we have all the answers. This blog is meant to be in aid in your already functional life, not a set of rules that help our readers be 'cool' or to dictate how our readers live. We just want to help, and we can only hope that Sagely does that for you.


Please feel free to contact us at 
or instagram:
or pinterest: sagely
