Thursday, June 5, 2014

Weekly Update 6/5

This is kind of a "beta test" of a type of blog post that I have been wanting to do for a while.
Basically, I read/watch the news and put some simple headlines or stories here of what happened during the week.

Then I leave links if you want to READ ON.

I came up with this idea because during school I never have time to know what is going on in the world, and people will ask me "Meghan, what do you think about what is going on in the Ukraine right now?" and I'm like.....uhhh..... And  that is terrible. I'm an educated, passionate human being. I already live in Moscow, Idaho. I don't want to stay in this little architectural bubble! I want to know things! and be able to discuss things.

So... I'm bringing it to you! Well.... I'm attempting to. This is my attempt at bringing "generation X" out of their bubbles! haha just kidding, I love my generation and I just know that we will do amazing things.

Anyway, Here goes.

1. SO apparently Russia is really up to something. They "intercepted" a US plane. I'm not sure how you can just take a plane but... you can.

2. Obama and the leaders of the G7 industrial nations have urged Russia to end the crisis in Eastern Ukraine.

I already want to do a lot more research about this. I want to figure out all about the G7 industrial nations and what that all means. But for now I will just leave you with some links! READ ON!! 

That link also has some pretty cool videos too.

Summary of the G7 industrial leaders

Basically its the 7 countries with the most advanced economies, and these countries get together to discuss economic issues. These 7 countries are:
Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, United Kingdom, and finally the United States.

Wow, there is so much more I would like to research about that. but alas, there is more to go through!!

3. SGT. Bergdahl was freed after 5 years in captivity, in exchange for 5 taliban prisoners from Guantanamo bay. Some news sources called this deal "risky" Obama said "I make absolutely no apologies for making sure we get back a young man to his parents."
Get this SGT. Bergdahl is from Hailey, Idaho. A teeny town of 8,000 people. Someone told me he was from Coeur d Alene, this is why you need to check your facts. But still the man has been missing since June 2009, thats when I graduated high school. While he has been captured I have gotten a degree in architecture and halfway completed my masters degree. No matter if you are republican or democrat, we need to thank this guy.

Side note: In case you haven't noticed BBC is my favorite news source. Download that app people.

4. Japan launches 'Emotional Robot'
First of all. WHAT! Why do we need robots to be emotional? I think humans have enough emotions of their own! Second of all the robot is named Pepper! (Ironman anyone? ) Pepper uses an "Emotional Engine" to analyze gestures, expressions, and voice tones. Robots are top sellers in Japan, and with the aging populations of well, basically the entire G7 group they think robots will really help the elderly by performing tasks.... and being able to communicate with them on an emotional level. Pepper is supposed to go to sale for the public next year for a little less than 2,000$.

5. I thought I would leave things on a positive note! Today marks the 70th anniversary of D-Day. Go talk to some people older than 70 to read on.

Well there you have it! that was my first weekly update for you! I know many other blogs do stuff like this but with fun things from  the internet. This is a bit more educational than fun probably. but maybe I can mix it up in the future?

speaking of cool things on the web.... I don't really care what you are doing right now... it's not as important as watching this video is.

Have a great educated day!

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