Thursday, April 18, 2013


So, I have been doodling on my waicom day after day. fail fail fail. truth is: if at first you don't succeed try, try again.

I ate a kiwi earlier today. I'm pretty sure they might be one of the cutest little fruits on the planet. annnd. they taste pretty good too!! very spring-ish (i'm still waiting on the weather to catch up) I have a paper to write so sadly, i must go write about hazard mitigation land use strategies. ): EW.

Happy Thursday

p.s. sorry my posts have been so far apart lately... school ):

Thursday, April 4, 2013


Spoiler alert: Sometimes life really sucks.

A lot. Sometimes its unfair and stupid, and you have no real way of making it better.

As depressing as this sounds its kinda good that life sucks for everyone. haha I know that I have bad days, but I also know that you probably have bad days too. And so does everyone else.

I have no picture, graphic, or anything cool for you today. ): but I do have hope.

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."

I'm obviously going through some hard times right now, and people wonder why i'm choosing to go through all of this when I could give up, and just start over.

Well, because I'm not the kind of person that gives up. I know that things are hard right now, but I also know that things are going to get better.

Monday, March 25, 2013

busy bee (:

The sun came out today! Hello, sun! i missed you so. (: I know north idaho weather pretty well, and i know this sun is not here to stay. . . so i'm gonna appreciate it while i can.

got my cap and gown today for graduation. went to class, got my hair cut.... BANGS. i'm crazy. then i worked on my latest project for school. (:

starting to look pretty cool which means it will probably be sucking up much of my free time.
now if i just could get every page to look that cool.... 

also happy birthday to my very good friend mandy. love you sister!!

and happy senior week to my pledge class at alpha gamma delta! i miss you all very much.

Pretty bittersweet day all in all. happy monday (:

Thursday, March 21, 2013

The ever constant battle between myself and myself.

So, as I mentioned in a previous blog, school decided to get REAL after spring break. I have been spending much of my time researching the 1880's or Hurricane Katrina.

Enthralling. haha. At first I was dreading these assignments, but after I started them, I have sort begun to fall in love with research. (the kind of love that is really frustrating... I don't know if the Greeks have a word for that kind of love) I love learning! I always have. Reading is the greatest invention ever.

So at the beginning I was just holding myself back from enjoying the endless possibilities of things that I can be good at if only I conquer my laziness. or fears, or procrastination.

Once I got into the groove of this research thing I began to realize that I was the only one who was stopping myself from really excelling at this. I hated writing papers, and I always told myself I was bad at it. The higher up into my classes I get the more often I need to write. Writing is extremely importnat and being able to express your thoughts in a professional and proficient way is ever more important.

Blogging has really helped me to overcome this sort of writing block I had placed on myself. (:

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Cover letter

As if I don't have enough in my life going on right now.... (school, wedding planning, working at pretzel maker, apartment finding) I'm trying to jump start my career! I'm looking for anything where I can use my creative skills to make a difference!

the next step is to create a cover letter/ resume in which to send all of these places in which I am looking for a job. I kinda already have a personal brand... so i'm going to stick with that.
Since school is a little on the slow side, and spring break is right around the corner, I need to make this cover letter this week.

I found a pretty good example that I like here. (LOVE behance.)

I think I will do something super designed, instead of just text on a page, hoping that it will make me stand out!!

Anyways, which me luck, hopefully i will have something to show for all my hard work soon.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Soap Box

What is a blog good for if you aren't allowed to get on your soap box about something?
So since I am the sole author and editor of my own blog (and since I have no followers to be afraid of) I'm going to say what I think.

Stop hating on homeschooling. I was homeschooled 3-9th grade, and not only did my mother get a lot of heat for it, but she did the right thing.

I was brought up to be an independent thinker, to not always follow the system, to be critical of the system, and to learn my own way.

I read more books while being homeschooled than most people do in a lifetime. My identity was not based on a group of friends, and I never had to deal with cliques. I learned things that were not just the standard for the state. I learned more than that. I learned how to knit. How to paint. I was also challenged. I learned: how to be myself, be different, be unique. I also learned how to have friends. I'm not socially awkward. I thrive in social situations and handle them better than most people I know, same goes for my sister.

I'm in college now. I have been on the deans list all but two semesters, I work well in group settings, as well as on my own. I can teach myself things without a teacher showing me how to do it. I have an accurate view of my learning style and the best way for me to study. It takes people years to figure that out. I love to learn. I love learning so much that even though I'm getting a degree in the spring, I'm going to graduate school to get another one.

Next time you think about making brash generalizations about the homeschooled population, think again.

Respect them for going against the system, respect them for trying to be the best parents they could be. Respect them for loving to learn, their own way.